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Deep Sky Imagery from the eVscope

Writer's picture: Stephen StrumStephen Strum

Updated: Sep 30, 2022

This is a growing collection of images that I've taken with my Unistellar eVscope. You can see my review on the telescope by clicking here. I'll probably organize these differently as the number of images grows with different pages for different groups of images. For now, they will all be added here, ordered by Messier number, NGC number, etc.

M2, Globular Cluster

M4, Globular Cluster

M5, Globular Cluster

M8, Lagoon Nebula

M10, Globular Cluster

M12, Globular Cluster

M13, Hercules Globular Cluster

The brightest globular in the northern skies. This is actually a composite of 5 different images in order to produce a larger field of view.

M14, Globular Cluster

M16, Eagle Nebula

This is a dim nebula, and requires a longer exposure to see much. But, it contains the famous "Pillars of Creation".

M17, Omega/Swan Nebula

This is a very bright nebula and easy to see even in small refractors, especially with a narrowband filter.

M20, Trifid Nebula

M22, Globular Cluster

This is one of my favorite globular clusters. It is large, and not as dense as M13, so it is easier to resolve more stars in the cluster.

M23, Open Cluster

M25, Open Cluster

M27, Dumbell Nebula

M30, Globular Cluster

M33, Pinwheel or Triangulum Galaxy

This image was an hour-long integration with the DGM NPB filter. Post-processed in Lightroom.


M42, Orion Nebula

My best image of M42 to date, taken on September 17, 2021. I used an NBP filter that was fogging up with dew during the exposure. That made all the stars bloat and look goofy. I'm going to rig up a dew heater for the filter and make another go at M42 soon, or pick a morning with less humidity.

I'm also working on creating a large mosaic that will hopefully extend all the way up to the Flame and Horse Head nebulas. The image below is part of that larger project and contains 16 images (with each image overlapping the adjacent images by 30-50%) stitched together using Microsoft ICE with the stitched imaged then processed in Lightroom.

M45, Pleiades

This is a composite of 31 images, each 2-3 minutes long. Not all of them are aligned perfectly, and there are probably still some errors here and there. MS ICE couldn't align all the images but would align large groups of them, but not always correctly. I manually aligned a dozen images into one of the bigger composites ICE made, consulting a Sky Safari as a reference for star locations to help fix where ICE messed up. Anyway, this is a big image, since the Pleiades are very large. For reference, the label on the bottom left is 72 pt font. The image is 6611 x 5835. I arranged the images on a black background, and in a few spots, mainly towards the edges, areas without stars just didn't have an image covering that area. Some of the reflection nebula in the star cluster was visible in some of the original images, but I had to turn the exposure way down and make a few other edits so all the image borders weren't visible, especially since there was moonlight and approaching dawn brightening some of the images more than others.

M51, Whirlpool Galaxy

This was only a 4-minute exposure, and there was a lot of sky glow I tried to remove with post-processing. This isn't a great image and I'll need to get a better one eventually.


M57, Ring Nebula



M76, Little Dumbbell Nebula

I need to adjust the white balance on this one. The narrow band filter tends to turn stars a bit pink.

M80, Globular Cluster

M81, Bode's Galaxy

This needs to be redone with a longer exposure to help produce a smoother image with more detail.

M81 and M82 Galaxies

Composite of a dozen or so images take on May 28th. M81 is the galaxy on the left and M82 is the galaxy on the right.


M107, Globular Cluster

NGC 253, Sculptor Galaxy

This is a very bright and large galaxy, however, it is low in the southern sky. This image is an 18-minute integration with the DGM NPB filter used. Some adjustments in Lightroom. The view of this galaxy in the eVscope eyepiece was especially impressive, and one of the most impressive objects I've seen through the telescope eyepiece (though to be fair, I haven't looked at all the objects I've imaged through the eyepiece).

NGC 281, Pacman Nebula

NGC 457, Owl Cluster

NGC 891, Outer Limits Galaxy

NGC 6445, Flame Nebula

This is a brighter nebula and shows up well on the eVscope without any processing. The following image was adjusted in Lightroom to slightly boost the image brightness and to remove the image noise.

NGC 6445, Little Gem/Box Nebula

NGC 6946, Fireworks Galaxy

NGC 7009, Saturn Nebula

NGC 7293, Helix/Eye of God Nebula

NGC 7635, Bubble Nebula

Barnard 33, Horsehead Nebula

This is a very faint nebula. Even after 15 minutes, it is dim unless you boost the brightness in the eVscope settings. The following image was processed in Lightroom to boost the exposure, and then reduce image noise. I plan to eventually stack several of these images to hopefully accumulate a few hours of data and produce a much more detailed image.

This is an older image that had the exposure boosted way up and was I think a shorter exposure. The image above would look similar if I boosted the exposure further, but then it would look grainier like the image below.

Jupiter, Saturn, Moon

The eVscope is not designed to do a good job on planets, and indeed it doesn't compare to other small telescopes on planets. Even my TV60 will produce better images of planets. While the aperture and image sensor are more than adequate, the short focal length prevents the telescope from resolving much detail. However, you can still observe them and see some detail. Here are sample images of Jupiter, Saturn, and the Moon. Note, for the moon image I did a screen recording on my iPhone and then stacked that video in Autostakkert. But, since you can't get all of the moon in one go with the eVscope version 1 (you can in the new version 2 of the scope that has a wider field of view), I had had to stack two images and then combine them. Further, the bottom part of the moon apparently didn't stack correctly since there are errors there.

Here is my video review of the Unistellar eVscope. For more information on the eVscope, head over to the Unistellar website:

©2020 by Earth to Space Science.

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