Record Ocean Warmth Fuels Beryl to Cat 5 Intensity
The following are a selection of images I've taken from most recent to oldest. Currently, all planetary images are taken through a Celestron C6 using a Canon SL2 DSLR camera. Data is processed using aPIPP to process and convert the raw camera video, AutoStakkert to stack the video frames, Registax to sharpen the image using wavelets, Pixelmator to adjust color, contrast, etc, and finally Topaz DeNoise (in recent images) to help remove lingering noise. I'm currently processing all data on a 2016 12" Macbook with PIPP, AutoStakkert, and Registax (which are PC programs) running on the Mac using WineBottler.
Epic Hurricane Ian Imagery
Great Science and Science Fiction Books
Hurricane Ida
Hurricane Iota Satellite Loops
Hurricane Zeta Satellite and Radar Loops
Satellite and Radar Loops of Hurricane Isaias
Hurricane Douglas
Radar Loop of Hurricane Hanna Landfall
Instability Waves Around a Gulf of Alaska Low Pressure System
Satellite Loop of Hurricane Barry
That day it hailed during a super volcano eruption
New NOAA Satellite to Improve Weather Predictions
Great Lakes Ice Cover Surging
Typhoon Yutu
Summer Temperature Trends in the US
Build Your Own Barometer!
What is an eyewall replacement cycle?
Staring Florence in the Eye
Average first freeze dates across the USA